The Parliament Magazine: COVID-19 & EU AID – Humanitarian aid in a pandemic


Im Februar 2021 erschien ein weiterer Artikel von mir in The Parliament Magazine zur  Lage der Humanitären Hilfe während der COVID-19 Pandemie.

“In the Development Committee (DEVE), we have examined the pandemic and its consequences in developing countries, with differing opinions, reports and exchanges of views with relevant stakeholders. (…)”

“My position as shadow rapporteur for the EU-Africa Strategy has given me an insight into the existing challenges and opportunities on the respective continents as well as into the relationship between them.”

“(…) In order to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and its serious impacts, we need to improve our collaboration, ensure transparency and achieve an equal participation as well as dialoque on eye level with all stakeholders.”


Hier geht es zum Artikel: Humanitarian Aid in a pandemic – The Parliament Magazine; 15 February 2021



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